MF mf bsolo m1st inc creampie oral swallow voy masturbation brother/sister

From the imagination of Chase Shivers

February 5, 2015 Members:
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Chapter 23: Risks

Chapter Cast:

Gene Polanski, Male, 45
- Business VP, husband of Tamara, father of Lauren, Finch, and Logan
- tanned beige skin, 6'1, 210lbs, short peppered grey-black hair
Tamara Khouri-Polanski, Female, 43
- Professor, wife of Gene, mother of Lauren, Finch, and Logan
- dark olive skin, 5'6, 150lbs, shoulder-length curly rich brown hair with natural red highlights
Lauren Khouri-Polanski, Female, 15
- High school freshman, daughter of Gene and Tamara, sister of Finch and Logan
- medium olive skin, 5'8, 150lbs, back-length curly black-brown hair, colored white-streaked highlights
Finch Khouri-Polanski, Male, 14
- Eigth-grader, son of Gene and Tamara, brother of Lauren and Logan
- dark olive skin, 5'6, 145lbs, ear-length curly rich brown hair with natural red highlights
Logan Khouri-Polanski, Male, 12
- Sixth-grader, son of Gene and Tamara, brother of Lauren and Finch
- medium olive skin, 5'1, 110lbs, ear-length straight black hair
Holly, Female, 19
- Agent of Marker 1, Sister of Anna
- Bronze-tanned skin, 5'1, 100lbs, straight shoulder-length straw-blonde hair
Hannigan, Male, late-30s
- Former agent of M1 and Playa Gordo
- Pale, freckled skin, 5'11, 185lbs, short sandy-red hair
Dr. Erns Henderson, Male, 40ish
- Associate of Panthea, husband of Juliana, father of Hannah and Georges
- Dark beige skin, 7'0, 280lbs, unkempt black hair.
Juliana, Female, 40ish
- wife of Dr. Henderson, mother of Hannah and Georges
- Dark tan skin, 5'0, 100lbs, long dark hair
Hannah, Female, 15
- daughter of Dr. Henderson and Juliana, twin sister of Georges
- Dark beige skin, 5'10, 160lbs, long dark-brown hair in a ponytail
Georges, Male, 15
- son of Dr. Henderson and Juliana, twin brother of Hannah
- Dark beige skin, 5'10, 165lbs, mousy dark-brown hair
Hilda, Female, 40s-60s
- Former colleague of Hannigan
- Pale olive skin, 5'6, 125lbs, shoulder-length dark-brown hair

Holly had been right about the effects of the pill mellowing out over time. Over the night, Gene had felt the speedy quality becoming a steady hum rather than a pounding techno pulse. The mental aspects were ever-present, and together the effects were simply amazing. Gene had never felt so connected to the world around him.

They'd taken on gas just inside the Moroccan border before dawn, the massive fuel tanks nearing empty in the truck. Holly made contact with a Somalian M1 agent named Sagal, the woman herself heading to Marrakesh as well, though she didn't reveal the reason. There were confirmed reports of naval fighting along the northern Moroccan coast, and large-scale fighting going on in Oran, Algeria. For the moment, Marrakesh was still relatively safe, though people everywhere were beginning to understand the depth of the global crisis, and looting, rioting, and hoarding supplies were becoming much more common in many cities.

Gene's mind raced as the first light of day crept up behind them to the East. He relived his years spent as part of Whitehead. He wondered about Poppy. He'd never met her in person, only had voice communications with her three or four times. She'd been the real hacker in the group, the one capable of laying tracks or making them disappear. Her knack for finding security holes was uncanny. Whereas Gene was more of an analysis and strategy guy, Poppy had been the main tech grunt. If anyone had knowledge which Victor and M1 and all the others wanted, it was probably Poppy.

Or Utah. Charles Utah knew it all, so Gene believed. The guy had never been surprised even when things went sour fast. Knowing Utah was dead tore a little piece out of Gene's confidence in human abilities. Utah had seemed indestructible.

“How much did you know about Utah?” Gene asked Holly as they passed yet another lonely roadside shack.

Holly thought a moment, staring forward. “Enough. Pining for your old buddy?”

“'Pining' isn't the right word. Nor is 'buddy' for that matter. Just wondering how the guy I saw matches with what you know about him.”

“Well,” Holly took a swig from a water bottle, “He grew up in Seattle, Washington, dropped out of school at fifteen, had his own intranet running before most people had heard of computers, taught himself a dozen software languages before he was eighteen. On top of that, he seemed to be very charismatic, talking himself into connections for which he had no pedigree. He brought together all of you in Whitehead, and from what I know, he helped your group to provide eight-to-nine figure servicing contracts to dozens of states and organizations.”

Gene nodded. “It was all just a cover. I'm sure you know that.”


“The contracts. The work we did was just a storefront for the laundering. Oh, we provided the services, but Utah was working a different game. The numbers were too high, even for the specialized work we did. I figured it out a year or so before I left. I never told him I caught on, but I checked up on it enough to know I was on the right track. He was laundering big-time assets for the biggest of clients. Not just crime bosses or corporate executives. States. Countries. Multinational organizations. The depth of this was simply unreal. Utah was riding that hard. I made great money at Whitehead. Utah had to be an order of magnitude over my head.”

“Hmm...” Holly looked perplexed. “Seems obvious now that you bring it up. How did we never catch on to that?”

“Because we did what you do, in the storefront, anyway. Even though the numbers were high, you knew the difficulty and the risk. It doesn't surprise you to know that someone might consider it worth substantially more than you get paid.”

Holly nodded. “Yeah, I suppose...”

“I never really knew him well. We only met in person maybe four times, and only one of those for longer than two minutes. He never said one word more than was necessary, and if he had a personality, a 'charisma,' I never saw it. Utah was all business, efficient, a fucking robot to me. I don't know if I respect him for that or not. Whoever got to Utah and killed him has got to be one of the best snoops in the world.”

“A snoop we'll have to deal with sooner or later. We aren't quite sure who was part of the No Limits team that caught up to him. Once we're on the Cambridge, we'll have more time for research.” Holly craned her neck. “Careful, guard post ahead. Remember, whatever happens, don't get out of the truck.”

- - -

“Goddamn... there's another convoy racing up behind us.” Tamara turned her head at Hilda's words to see the green, camouflaged trucks speeding up the straightaway. “That's the third one in the last hour.”

Dawn had come on cloudy and grey, drizzle coating the windshield. They'd encountered few other motorists, but they'd seen several individual military vehicles as well as the packs-of-dozens moving as convoys. Hilda had been forced several times to find alternative routes due to road closers, detours, and 'bad vibes.' They'd stopped for a few hours overnight, sleeping uncomfortably on the truck bench. Tamara felt foggy, much like the mountainous landscape around them.

She drifted off frequently. Her dreams were right on the surface, sticking with her as she cycled through shallow sleep and minutes of drowsy consciousness.

The first explosion was easily ignored.

Hilda slammed on the brakes seconds before a second concussion sounded somewhere over the edge of the hill. Hannigan's pistol was gripped tightly in his hands as Tamara tried to comprehend what was happening. Before she could get there, Hilda floored the accelerator, ran the truck to one side of the road, and turned quickly, zipping back in the direction from which they'd come.

Hannigan turned back, his pistol out the window quickly. Tamara could hear more explosions, though they became more distant.


Bullets ricocheted off the truck's hood and the sound of small arms fire had Tamara's heart in her throat. She tried to press herself into the floorboard. The firing stopped as Hilda raced on, then picked up again.

“They're still firing, but not at us. Something back behind us,” Hannigan shouted.

Two tanks rolled around a bend ahead and Hilda slammed on the brakes, bringing the truck to a screeching stop. The lead tank's main cannon swiveled and pointed directly at them. Hilda screamed, “oh, fuck!”

Tamara couldn't breathe from fear. They waited, waited. She heard the pounding boom of heavy arms twice, then a third time. She peaked up over the dash to see the cannons for both tanks pointing at something behind them, further up the road.

“I'm getting us the hell out of here!” Hilda's voice was excited, raw. She sped forward a few dozen feet and raced up what might have been a covered driveway or a backroad. The booms from the tanks hit sporadically, still close enough to rattle Tamara's body.

The hill crested and opened out, showing it was a small, lower knob in a long line of such prominences. Hilda found a path down the other side and retook the same road a mile or so past where the tanks had been firing.

Tamara let out her first breath in what seemed like hours when Hannigan finally broke the silence, “think we're ok for now. We can take the next road west and stay away from the fighting.” Tamara felt weak as she retook her seat properly, nausea coming in waves. Hannigan looked nervous, as well, his eyes straining, his neck swiveling all around. It did nothing to make Tamara feel better about their situation, but at least no one was shooting at them for the moment.

- - -

Lauren hadn't slept well all night. She'd been awake for long hours turning over in her head her thoughts about Finch. The more she thought about it, the more it turned her on to consider having sex with her brother. Twice in the night she'd masturbated, imaging that Finch was fucking her.

The sun was well up by the time she slid out of bed and put on her clothes. Dr. Henderson and his wife were off to the East of the property to show Logan the old mine there. Henderson was planning to leave later that afternoon, and he had promised to see what he could find out about her parents.

Lauren ate scones and milk, then went with Finch and the twins to take care of chores. She glanced frequently at her brother. He wasn't unattractive, really, just that, until very recently, she'd never consider him sexually. Each time he bent over to pick up something, she watched his ass tighten in his shorts, thought of the moments she'd seen him naked, as well as the time he'd ejaculated on her arm.

By mid-morning, her panties were damp and her mind was becoming fixated on being her brother's first. She pulled Hannah aside near the compost pile, said, “So... I've been thinking... a lot. I can't stop imagining what it would be like to be with my brother... I'm kinda thinking I want to...”

Hannah grinned, giggled. “Soon, then? We can make sure you get some privacy if you want it...”

Lauren felt butterflies at the thought that she might actually go through with it. “Yeah... that'd be good...”

“Just tell me when.”


- - -

Gene sat restlessly at a small oceanside cafe just south of Rabat, Tunisia, still a few hours out of Marrakesh. Holly had wanted to stop off and attempt to get updates from the Israeli M1 headquarters, but after a couple of refused connections, she leaned back, frustrated. “Not a good sign. Just a refusal. No information bits on the wire, no instructions, no explanation. No nothing!” Holly was agitated, the pill still running strong even if not as manic as the first few hours.

“Does this change anything?”

“Not yet. Israel isn't aware of our destination. Whatever is going on there is probably better to avoid completely.”

Gene nodded.

Holly motioned to the plate of fruits and cheeses on the table between them. “Eat, Gene. You gotta eat.”

“I'm not hungry.”

“You think you're not hungry, but your body is starving. The pill is burning through your calories faster than normal. You gotta eat to keep the crash from being ten times worse.” She cut a slice of a small green fruit and chewed on it, rind and all.

Gene raised his eyebrows. “What is that?”

“A lime.”

“You eat slices of lime?”

“Doesn't everyone?”

He shook his head and did his best to swallow a few dates and hunks of a bitter white cheese. “When do we move?”

“Sagal should be there now. I asked her to ping when she was in a secure place. Should be any minute, hopefully.”

Gene washed down a thick bite of cheese with a swallow of warm grape juice. “I don't like sitting here, Holly. Can't we move? I can't sit still.” His legs were shaking and becoming spasmic.

“Let's get our shit out of the truck. We're ditching it here, then we can find our next ride.”

- - -

Whatever was on Lauren's mind, she'd been rather quiet around Finch all day. He'd seen her watching him, staring just a bit too long at times, as if she was pondering something about him. It was a little unnerving, really.

Finch had masturbated the night before, thinking of the way Hannah had let him cum in her mouth, seeing again in his mind his semen on her lips. Lauren's face often replaced the twin teen, and Finch had ejaculated strongly to thoughts of his sister's mouth on his penis.

He wasn't sure where Logan was. Finch's brother had gone off with Dr. Henderson earlier in the day, but hadn't joined the teens as they walked to the stream. They'd gone down the hill further to where a small pool formed before the water rushed away again. Hannah had said they could swim, though the water would be cool. When Finch had mentioned he didn't have any swim trunks, the girl had just smiled, said not to worry about that.

They dropped their small packs and Hannah stripped off her shirt and pants, then removed her underwear. Finch stared a moment as she slipped into the water naked, her soft, round breasts and ass firing his growing erection. Georges was right behind her.

Lauren stared at him a moment, then she, too, removed her clothes. For a long second, his sister stood nude, her body facing him. Finch looked at Lauren's lovely breasts and her dark pubic hair. He wished he could see the rest of what was between her legs. He was completely erect by the time she broke the spell and slid into the water.

Finch hesitated only a second, shed his clothing quickly, and stepped into the pool. It was cold, and Finch could feel his skin vibrating as light shivers passed through him. Lauren's eyes were staring at his genitals, and for a moment, Finch felt minor embarrassment. But it passed almost immediately, and he found himself growing more excited by the way her eyes were drawn to his cock. Hannah watched, too, and that just made him more aroused.

He sank down in the water, shivering a moment before his body got used to the sensation. The air was quite warm that day, which helped to keep him from feeling uncomfortable.

“So, Finch,” Georges started, “how are you liking this place?”

“It's cool. I wish I could live her forever. So much better than running all the time.”

Georges nodded, “good. Lauren?”

She shrugged, “guess it's alright.” Finch knew that she was understating how much she was enjoying it, but he'd long ago learned to expect that from her. “Yeah, definitely better than running.”

The four had closed into a small circle, arms and legs occasionally touching. Finch was across from Georges, Lauren on his left, Hannah on his right. Several times, he was certain that Hannah had touched his thigh on purpose, once even brushing past his half-hard penis. He looked at her each time, but she just smiled and acted as if she was paying him no mind.

Lauren's leg swept over Finch's, her ankle coming to rest on his. She didn't move, and Finch felt a thrill slide up his body at the contact. Lauren glanced at him quickly, paused, then slowly pulled her leg back and left his flesh.

Finch felt like taking a risk. First, he let his hand slide onto Hannah's arm. He held it there. She slid her fingers to meet his and grasped them. Hannah guided his clenched hand onto her thigh.

Lauren again brushed his leg, this time, her foot playing against his calf. Finch was certain she was doing it on purpose once she started moving it gently up and down his leg. She didn't look at him. Finch took another risk, letting his hand drift to Lauren's thigh. He swept over it lightly with the backs of his fingers. Lauren shivered but said nothing, her leg still on his.

Finch did it again, this time making a return trip up her thigh. When she didn't protest, he turned his hand over and slid his fingers down to her hand. When their fingers met, the curled them together with only a bit of hesitation.

Finch was in heaven. His body vibrated in the cold water, two beautiful teens holding his hands, Lauren's foot slowly stroking his leg, his fingers only inches from Hannah's genitals.

He caught Lauren giving Hannah a look, the latter smiling and letting go of his hand. “Listen, Georges and I need to go say goodbye to Dad. You two should hang out. Enjoy this place, ok?” Hannah kissed Finch's cheek with a small giggle. Georges was blinking as if he was confused, but he said nothing and followed his twin sister out of the water.

Finch watched Hannah dry off, her pale ass round and firm. Moments later they were gone and Finch was left alone, sitting silently with his sister, still holding her hand, her foot moving up above his knee for the first time.

- - -

“How do we find him?” Tamara's question hung a moment as they looked down on the commune from across the river, below the dam.

“We don't.” Hilda replied. “He'll find us.”

“So do we go down there, then?”

“At nightfall, yes.” Hilda stared a moment. “Looks about the same as when I was here before. Except there's almost no one moving around. Same as everywhere else, it seems.”

Tamara had noticed how little movement she saw on the streets. They'd managed to avoid the fighting the rest of the way to Malaia, though they often heard and felt explosions from some distance. Towns they passed through were much the same as the commune: few people out, few vehicles on the road. That had been a marked change since leaving Belgrade. Tamara wondered just how much the conflict had grown.

Hannigan returned from stepping away to the nearby bushes to relieve himself. He sipped from a bottle of fruit juice, eyes scanning the surroundings. “We might as well hunker down here until nightfall, then. Best view of things, lots of ways to get moving if someone comes up here. I don't like waiting, though. How exactly is Haul going to find us?”

Hilda shrugged. “Just going by what the message said. He told us to get to Malaia and he would make contact after nightfall and before midnight. Nothing more specific. Trust me, this guy knows his shit. He'll find us.”

- - -

Logan paused outside the bedroom door listening, shifting lightly on his feet as he strained to hear the soft sounds within. Dr. Henderson and Juliana had taken him to the mine earlier that day, the twelve-year old enjoying climbing ladders and exploring in the dark with only a headlamp. They hadn't let him go far, said the walls were starting to give way, but Logan thought it was one of the coolest things he'd ever seen.

They'd returned to the house earlier, Henderson and his wife excusing themselves so that he could get ready to leave. Logan had milled about, considered finding his siblings and the twins, then decided to help himself to more scones. The first cry had sent him quickly to the bedroom door.

He heard Juliana's pants as he leaned his ear close to the keyhole. Logan tried to look through but couldn't see inside the room, so he pressed his ear against it and pulled his penis through his open zipper, stroking it quickly as Dr. Henderson's grunts became insistent.

Logan was desperate to see them together. He'd wondered already how the giant of a man could possibly be with a woman barely 5 feet tall. The couple were groaning loudly, and Logan took a risk. He very, very carefully wrapped his non-stroking hand around the doorknob, then even more carefully started to turn it.

It gave easily, noiselessly, and in just a few seconds, he gave the door a push and peeked through the crack.

Henderson was on his back, Juliana's small body over him, rising and falling quickly as they panted and moaned. Logan's penis jumped in his hand, his shaft already starting to boil with cum. He watched the small woman move from her knees to her feet, turning around. Thankfully, her eyes moved towards the far wall rather than to where Logan stood peeking in, his cock swelling in his stroking fist.

Juliana settled back down, leaning over Henderson's legs. Logan watched from the side as the petite mother rode her husband's penis in quick, short humps. He smacked her ass and she cried out, hammering down on him. He smacked it again, again, changed hands and slapped her other cheek. She was driven wild, crying out in orgasm as his smacks turned her ass red.

Logan's little penis buzzed as he stroked it, and when he saw Juliana shuddering in climax, he ejaculated against the doorframe, not caring where his jism flew. Three, four, a fifth shot splashed against the wall as the twelve-year old tried to remain silent. Thankfully, as his dick spewed thin, creamy cum, Henderson bellowed, smacked his wife's ass again, and appeared to cum inside her, bucking up against her from below.

Logan washed down from his orgasm as Henderson pulled his wife over him and kissed her. The boy backed away, slowly, didn't risk trying to close the door again, just pulled it to and tiptoed back towards the living room, stuffing his little penis back inside his pants. His sperm continued to drip down the doorframe as he departed.

- - -

“Couldn't we have gotten one with air conditioning? I'm fucking boiling over here.” Gene wiped the sweat from his forehead for the millionth time that afternoon. They'd waited in Rabat to hear from Sagal, but she hadn't pinged them on schedule. They pondered the options and decided to go to Marrakesh as planned. Silence wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but Gene would have preferred knowing what Sagal had found out about the city. “Why are we stopping in 'kesh, anyway?”

“Just temporary. The route along the coast is the fastest way to drive to Dakar, but there's a chance I might be able to get us a ride on an airplane out of Marrakesh. Won't know till we get there. We could be in Dakar by nightfall through the air, but it will take us another thirty-plus hours to drive it. If we're going to hit the Cambridge between Cape Verde and Dakar, we've got about forty hours. Should be ok either way, if things go smoothly.”

“When do things ever go smoothly with you, Holly?”

The blonde nineteen-year old smiled, sweat dripping from her skin. She pulled her shirt down over one shoulder, exposing her firm, perky, braless breast. “Oh, I dunno. These are pretty smooth, don't you think?”

Gene was overheated and still rolling on the pill's effects, leaving his hardon pulsing but his discomfort too great to think much about caressing Holly's tit. He looked ahead as the blonde drove the stolen car fast down the highway. There were few cars out, though they had seen people in each small town they passed through. There had been no signs of any military presence as they drove away from the coast of Morocco and headed inland.

Holly shrugged when Gene looked away from her chest, let her shirt ride back up. “When we get to Marrakesh, we'll need to spend a couple of hours checking our tracks. If we've been followed, we can't risk taking someone with us to the Cambridge.”

“And if we are being followed?”

“We improvise.”

“Improvise,” Gene growled.

“Make it up as we go.”


- - -

Lauren's stomach turned over, fluttering, her nerves on edge. She and Finch had sat quietly for a long time after the twins left, the afternoon light starting to grow weaker. They'd held hands the whole time, and Lauren's fingers felt cramped and wrinkly. She'd continued to stroke Finch's thigh with her foot under the water, but had gone no further. Her mind raced with arousal and concern, afraid that she was doing something she might regret, still uncertain whether she would actually go through with it.

She pulled her leg back and released Finch's hand. He looked at her oddly. Lauren said, “starting to get wrinkled, probably should get out and get back before it gets dark.”

Finch nodded and turned towards the bank, slowly rising out of the water ahead of her. Lauren knew they'd shared something more intimate than just sibling affection during their long stay in the pooling stream, and as she watched Finch's ass drip, she felt butterflies all over again.

He dried off as she exited the water. Finch turned and watched her from the side as she used the towel to wipe away the drops from her skin. She was all too aware of how her nipples were hard and her clit as well. Lauren could see Finch's genitals, his balls shrunken with deep-purple folds, covered in hair. His penis was half-hard, looked smaller than before. The way it bobbed as he dried was arousing, and Lauren wondered again if she might risk making a move.

Finch finished and bent over to pick up his shirt. Lauren moved automatically, her hand resting on her brother's ass before she could think about it. He froze as she cupped his cheek, her hand momentarily still on his flesh. Even with the cool water, his skin felt warm against her cold fingers. She squeezed gently, then again. Her clit pounded between her thighs.

- - -

Finch was shocked to feel his sister's hand on his butt. Sure, they'd been teasing each other a bit in the water, but he hadn't been sure there was anything more there. He hoped so, of course, but he was momentarily caught by surprise when Lauren squeezed his flesh. He slowly turned around, his penis beginning to fully harden. Her eyes were wide and watching his. For a long few seconds, they stood looking at each other.

Lauren sank to her knees, her face only inches from his cock. Finch groaned and shuddered, the reality of what was about to happen hitting him fast. His sister looked up at him just a moment before returning her eyes to his genitals. Her hand moved up his thigh and slid around his balls, her fingers fondling them a moment before she grasped his shaft.

Finch groaned again. Lauren is stroking my dick! He was overwhelmed as he watched his sister's hand move along his length, her lips pursed. A few dozen strokes had him quickly building towards release.

- - -

So close... should I do it? Should I suck my brother? Lauren hovered an inch from where she jerked off Finch's penis. Precum drooled slowly out of the tip, and that sight decided for her. Lauren's tongue darted out to taste her brother's slick stream. The sweet, slippery precum tasted wonderful, and in seconds, she guided Finch's cock between her lips. I'm sucking Finch's cock! Oh my god!

Her head moved with practice, the fifteen-year old had sucked five different guys, including her boyfriend, and she enjoyed the sensation of a hard dick in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the tip, her brother's hips rocking against her, his hands at his sides, eyes staring down at her.

Lauren felt him tense. He's going to cum in my mouth! Finch groaned, grunted, his penis swelling between her lips. Lauren sucked him harder, slurping along his shaft, the head of his cock bumping the back of her throat. She felt him swell, swell, he groaned, shook, and warm, salty fluid rushed into her mouth.

- - -

Finch cried out as he ejaculated, semen spurting out of his five-inch penis and into his sister's throat. He felt dizzy, pulsing, his body vibrating as he unloaded in Lauren's mouth. She sucked as he emptied his balls against her tongue, not pulling off until the last drops of sperm drooled inside. He watched as her lips slid off the tip, her mouth closing. His sister looked up at him, glazed expression on her face, and swallowed hard twice before parting her lips and panting moderately.

- - -

Lauren felt drunk, a sensation she'd only had a couple of times before. Her brother's cum had squirted into her mouth as she sucked him, and she'd swallowed it all. It was rich and pungent, a bit sweet, a bit earthy. Lauren had always enjoyed the taste of sperm, but there was something even better about swallowing it out of her brother's cock.

She rose to her feet, a small drop of cum running from the corner of her mouth. Lauren found her towel and quickly flattened it on the ground, then took Finch's hand. She asked quietly, “have you ever tasted a girl before?” She knew the answer, but she wanted to hear him say 'no,' which he did. “Good... I'm going to teach you how...”

- - -

Finch let Lauren pull him down over her as she rolled onto her back on the towel. His face was close to hers. He wasn't sure if he should kiss her or do something else. Lauren took control, told him, “kiss my neck.” He did. “Slower, let your lips slide up and down. Ohh... yes... like that...”

Finch licked her skin, his penis already starting to rise again against her leg. His sister guided him, “now my boob. Lick the edges... like that... yesss... now the tips... ohhh... suck them... gently... ohhh...” The fourteen-year old pulled Lauren's tits into his mouth, his tongue darting around the dark nipples, the hard flesh bouncing between his lips.

“Now my stomach... just kiss me... move lower... lower... oh... ohhh, yea... so close...” Finch's lips were just above his sister's hairy sex. Her thighs began to part and he pulled back slightly, Lauren's fifteen-year old vulva coming into view. Finch stared, panting, his sister's dark labia stuck together in a thin, puffy slit.

“Kiss the top, just here...” Her finger pointed the way and he kissed her fleshy hood. “Again... again... lick it... oh, lick it...” Finch's tongue slid over the rising nub underneath, her clit emerging and pulsing against his tongue and lips. “Lick all of it... oh, Finch... lick me...” She stopped guiding him, letting his mouth and tongue move freely up and down her slit. Lauren moaned each time he slid across her clit, again when his tongue slipped into her drooling vagina. She was so close to orgasm, so close, her body trembling, and Finch knew he was about to make his sister climax.

- - -

Lauren felt hot, dirty, so, so excited. My brother is licking my pussy! Finch was no expert, his tongue and lips awkward, all over the place, but she was over-excited, her flesh swollen and loving every touch. When his tongue slid three, four times smoothly from her vagina to her clit, she climaxed hard.

Her hips rolled as her pussy exploded, warm pleasure rushing through her as her fourteen-year old brother lapped up her juices, his tongue exploring all the tender folds between her legs. “ooohhh... ooohh... Finch... ohhh... oooh, yeeeeahh... ohhh... ooohhhh...” She was out of breath quickly, but she was far from done. She wanted to go further. I want to be Finch's first!

- - -

Finch stopped licking Lauren's pussy when her hands pulled at his head. He moved back over her, this time her legs parted wider, wider, her labia open now, wet, her embrace inviting. Lauren pulled him to her, and when his thighs met hers, her hand guided his penis to press against her sex. She looked into his eyes. He saw her excitement, felt raw and nervous, but his body was ready for what came next.

He sank his five-inch penis into Lauren slowly, her eyes closing, her mouth opening in a moan. It was the best sensation he'd ever felt. His sister's vagina felt like a hot, tender glove around his cock. She was slick, her hips trembling, her pubic hairs scratching against his. Finch held like that, deep inside Lauren's pussy. Her hands slid around him, held onto his ass, and she pulled him against her as hard as she could, her thighs parting even further to take him deep inside.

- - -

Lauren let go of all her doubts the moment Finch's body was inside hers. His smooth penis felt great in her cunt, a nice fit, really. Even without moving, she felt another orgasm building from the excitement of the taboo moment. Her brother was over her, but she kept her eyes closed, concentrating on the sensation of Finch's cock in her vagina.

He didn't move, and Lauren knew her brother was waiting on her to show him what to do. She opened her eyes, couldn't help giving him an excited smile. “Oh... Finch... oh... finally... do me gently... just in and out... yes... like that...” Finch began to move his hips slowly, each movement a new pleasure in her body. Her clit ground against him each time he sank back into her fully, and though his inexperience was obvious, Lauren was overwhelmed by arousal and pleasure as her brother fucked her pussy.

- - -

Each movement was like no other. Lauren's body was so wonderful under him. He felt confident, excited, nervous, too. His penis was on fire in his sister's hole, burning, building again as he began to sweat. She moved under him, her hips helping his motions. Finch felt her shudder, then again, she started moaning louder, breathing heavier. Her eyes closed again, her head rolled off to the side. Lauren's hips rose stronger, her ass cheeks clenching, her thighs holding him tight as she held his ass into her.

- - -

Lauren was there. Finch's penis was growing larger inside her body, stretching her slightly, filling her so nicely with his modest length. He was grunting with each stroke, his butt clenching as she held onto it and used it to pull him against her crotch. She felt him shudder and strain and she knew he was close. That pushed her over the edge, her orgasm crashing down over several long, intense seconds of tension and sweat and crying out into the trees. Her vagina spasmed around her brother's cock as she came, and before she was finished, Lauren felt the first splash of Finch's semen in her pussy.

- - -

Finch grunted as he released, the heat of his sister's vagina making him burn, making his cum boil out again, this time semen splashing inside her pussy. Over and over he spurted, slippery, squishy sounds coming from where the siblings copulated. He held still, the last spurts weaker but still intense, the last of his seed sent drooling from the tip of his cock.

Finch couldn't think, couldn't rationalize. It felt too good, too raw, too unreal. I just fucked my sister! I came in my sister! He felt himself softening, his penis still held firmly in Lauren's small vagina. He fell over her, buried his head against her cheek. Her arms slowly wrapped around his back and Lauren hugged him tightly. “Thanks, Finch... thanks...”

He couldn't say anything, just moaned lightly and panted in Lauren's ear, his cock nestled just inside his sister's hairy cunt, sperm starting to drip out around the penetration.

- - -

Lauren's mind was in a similar state. No rationalization happened, no regrets. She held her brother against her body, her vagina holding the tip of his penis inside still. The fifteen-year old could feel cum running down over her anus and ass cheeks, continued to feel Finch's penis pulsing inside her.

Whatever this meant, she wasn't willing to let him go for a long time. It was nearly dark before she thought again to move. Lauren kissed Finch's neck, then his shoulder, ran her hands down to his ass and squeezed, felt his flaccid cock jump slightly where just the head remained inside her body.

Finch leaned up on his elbows, looked at her, said, “can we do that again soon?”

Lauren smiled, then giggled, “yes... yes, I think we can...”

Finch smiled, kissed her lips gently, said, “good... cause... wow...”

- - -

“This one will do. Give me a second, I'll pick the lock.” Hilda had led them to the outskirts of Malaia after the sun set, scouting for an abandoned house in which to hide. Tamara huddled with Hannigan on the bottom step.

Tamara whispered to him, “think Haul will actually find us?”

Hannigan shrugged, “no idea. Hilda seems sure he will.”

Tamara nodded was silent again.

Rustling to her left turned into the sound of pounding feet. In seconds, three men, dressed in heavy black clothing, black masks covering their faces, were in an aggressive posture, compact automatic rifles pointed towards the three on the porch.

Tamara's terror became extreme. Hannigan had his pistol out, pointed at the three armed men. Hilda was behind her and Tamara expected she was in a similar stance.

For long moments, no one moved. The black-clad men held perfectly still, Hannigan shifting his weight from foot to foot beside her.

The sounds of a vehicle grew loud quickly, headlights shining up the short drive. An extended-cab SUV tore up the yard as it slid around and skidded to a halt next to the armed men. A rear door opened, and an older man in a dark-blue business suit stepped out casually. He, too, wore a mask.

The man stepped up beside the others, eyes casting over the three on the porch. Tamara felt ready to piss herself, but she managed to keep from panicking outright. The man stared a moment, then said, “my dear, you have been on an impressive run, haven't you?”

Tamara knew that voice. The implications were unclear.


End of Chapter 23

Read Chapter 24